
Live Radio | The ViaLucci Show | Tom Whelehan and Theo X talk with Sheikh Shamsaldin Al-Said

RADIO ⚠WARNING Live Radio may contain strong language⚠ The ViaLucci Show, hosted by Tom Whelehan (Centre) and Theo X (Right). With Special guest Sheikh Shamsaldin Al-Said (Left). Chief Audio Producer, Antonio Parejo.   This week’s show navigates the realms of journalistic integrity, what ethical media really means and the use…

Narconon saves life of Latina fashion mogul’s daughter after cocaine addiction

By Zakiya Afzani Narconon saves life of fashion designer’s daughter after cocaine addiction When the daughter of a Latina fashion designer’s life was in serious danger from an addiction to Cocaine, it seemed all hope was lost. Al-Sahawat Times and Narconon speak with the family bravely stepping forward to remove…

Catalan Crisis latest developments

By Ajiša Dragičović  Catalan Crisis | latest developments As Catalan regional leaders hesitate on the Declaration of Independence rulled illegal by Spain, France, UK the European Courts and international community, Spain agrees to talks holding back on a full scale “invasion”. Al-Sahawat Times | Ethical Global News from Oman and…

Spain “hours away from civil war” EU warns as Catalonian Independence declaration looms

By Estaban Al Andaluzi  Spain “hours away from civil war” EU warns as Catalonian Independence declaration looms Travel Advice: Spain as a whole: necessary travel only. Risk level 3 Cataluña: avoid entirely, leave if possible. Risk level 5 weekend casualties over 1’000 Basque: Risk Level 3 Al-Andaluz: Risk Level 4…