
Germany launches military ‘space command’ to tackle Russia and China

Germany launches military ‘space command’ to tackle Russia and China SPACE | MILITARY | EU | GERMANY FACT BOX: ‘The Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space’ is a 1981 UN resolution that reaffirms the fundamental principles of the 1967 ‘Outer Space Treaty’ and bans the weaponisation of space. The USA…

EU warns UK over use of fake news during imminent snap election

EU warns the UK over use of fake news during Brexit election The European Commission has issued a strong warning to the UK saying: “large-scale automated propaganda and disinformation persist” Political disinformation is still rife on social networks in particular Facebook and Twitter where the UK political parties and private backers…

Russia reacts to disastrous Trump summit by unveiling arsenal of new super weapons

By Amira Bakr Russia reacts to disastrous Trump summit by unveiling an arsenal of new super weapons Advertisement – Advertise here from OMR 100 / $275 USD  Al-Sahawat Times | Ethical Global News from Oman and UAE | Donate HERE  Whilst European leaders grapple with Brexit, Trump’s bizarre spat with…

More Russian nuclear monitoring stations fall silent amidst concerns over development of new nuclear super weapons

By Amira Bakr Russia nuclear monitoring stations are falling silent, worrying observers over what they might be testing Advertisement – Advertise here from OMR 100 / $275 USD  Al-Sahawat Times | Ethical Global News from Oman and UAE | Donate HERE  Interruption in nuclear data deepens mystery around explosion in…

New research shows the nuclear war threatened by Trump between USA and Russia would result in nuclear winter and is likely to end humanity

More by Antonio De Lucia Nuclear was between USA and Russia would result in nuclear winter and is likely to end humanity  Al-Sahawat Times | Ethical Global News from Oman and UAE | Donate HERE During Trump’s first two and a half years in office, the controversial far right leader…

Sultan Muhammad V resigned last year in order to marry Russian beauty queen, now divorced the world asks, just what went wrong

More by Nur-Al-Sahid Sultan Muhammad V of Malaysia divorces after giving up throne for Russian beauty queen BREAKING NEWS Al-Sahawat Times This story is currently developing. Further updates will follow To be notified of developments as they break TURN ON NOTIFICATIONS Al-Sahawat Times | Ethical Global News from Oman and…