
Oman – Muscat requires Tsunami early warning system urgently

Evidence of historic 15 metre high tsunami used to demonstrate why Oman’s Muscat urgently needs a tsunami early warning system Oman’s capital Muscat urgently requires a tsunami early warning system scientists explain, citing evidence of historic 15 meter tsunami A 15 meter high tsunami smashed boulders the weight of a military…

Oman 2040 investment vision completes another milestone with Mall of Oman completing two more stages

By Omar Bishara Oman 2040 on track as Mall of Oman completes two more stages Advertisement – Advertise here from OMR 100 / $275 USD  Al-Sahawat Times | Ethical Global News from Oman and UAE | Donate HERE  The EU had Horizon 2020, Dubai had Dubai 2020, Saudi Arabia has…

Why does the UK have such strange and unrealistic portion sizes?

More by Omar Bishara Welcome to the strange and unrealistic world of UK food portion control BREAKING NEWS Al-Sahawat Times This story is currently developing. Further updates will follow To be notified of developments as they break TURN ON NOTIFICATIONS Al-Sahawat Times | Ethical Global News from Oman and UAE…

Oman bans Boeing 737 Max from entering or leaving the country in latest set back to plagued aircraft

More by Michael Al-Said Oman bans Boeing 737 Max from entering or leaving the country BREAKING NEWS Al-Sahawat Times This story is currently developing. Further updates will follow To be notified of developments as they break TURN ON NOTIFICATIONS Al-Sahawat Times | Ethical Global News from Oman and UAE |…