Code of Ethics

Code of Ethics:

Al-Sahawat Times’ internationally recognised Code of Ethics:

Being a globally oriented media service, Al-Sahawat Times shall always endeavour to adopt the following code of ethics in pursuance of the vision and mission it has set for itself:

1. If reporting the story is not beneficial in a positive, essential or constructive way to society then it is not news.

2. If reporting personal details of a person would detrimentally effect the quality of life for them or their loved ones utmost efforts will be made to protect their personal information.

3. Adhere to the journalistic values of honesty, courage, fairness, balance, independence, credibility and diversity, giving no priority to commercial or political over professional and humane consideration.

4. Always remain considerate and respectful of those covered in a story. People’s lives, livelihoods and families must always be taken into consideration. News exists to educate in a positive and constructive manner, not to ruin lives or humiliate.

5. Endeavour to get to the truth and declare it in our dispatches, programmes and news bulletins unequivocally in a manner which leaves no doubt about its validity and accuracy.

6. Treat our audiences with due respect and address every issue or story with due attention to present a clear, factual and accurate picture while giving full consideration to the feelings of victims of crime, war, persecution and disaster, their relatives and our viewers, and to individual privacy and public decorum.

7. Welcome fair and honest media competition without allowing it to affect adversely our standards of performance. Thus not reporting non newsworthy content or acting in poor professional standards for the ‘scoop’.

8. Present the diverse points of view and opinions without bias and partiality.

9. Balance propaganda and bias in global reports. Where bias and propaganda is evident Al-Sahawat Times will at all times attempt to show the alternative point of view based entirely on fact, logic and evidence. This shall not breach the rules of impartiality and bias given that the content we are balancing already portrays the alternative points of view.

10. Recognise diversity in human societies with all their races, cultures and beliefs and their values and intrinsic individuality so as to present unbiased and faithful reflection of them.

11. Acknowledge a mistake when it occurs, promptly correct it and ensure it does not recur.

12. Observe transparency in dealing with the news and its sources while adhering to the internationally established practices concerning the rights of these sources, including rights to anonymity where they should apply.

13. Distinguish between news material, opinion and analysis to avoid the snares of speculation and propaganda.

14. Stand by colleagues in the profession and give them support when required, particularly in the light of the acts of aggression and harassment to which journalists are subjected at times. Cooperate with international journalistic unions and associations to defend the freedom of the press.

15. Do not stand by or condone journalists who publish false or non-newsworthy content, disrespect privacy or act unprofessionally or disrespectfully.

16. Comply with the local laws where applicable without allowing any government, individual, corporation or state to interfere with free and fair reporting.

17. Protect the personal safety of our journalists, sources and subject matter as much as possible. This may at times include the use of pseudonyms, privacy and security meassures where necessary.

18. Ensure professionalism. All journalists and editors who’s work is published must first provide evidence of an internationally recognised journalism license. License and qualification checks are carried out. Guest non-journalist writers must have their works checked, approved and edited by a licensed editor.

19. Any use of copyrighted material is accidental and in good faith. Please contact: to request credit or removal for such content. Proof of legal international copyright ownership will be required.

20. Any concerns regarding correction should be made to:

Al-Sahawat Times is the global leader in ethical journalism, our original code of ethics is internationally recognised and utilised by media outlets and courts around the world. 

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Al-Sahawat Times Printed, Published and Distributed by IPMG (the International Press and Media Group) – an AL-SAID GROUP enterprise. 

The “Al-Said Standard” code of Ethics, subject to Copyright 2007, 2021 ©


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