Charity | Causes and Fund Raising


Al-Said Foundation | Al Said Group | Al-Sahawat Times

Al-Sahawat Times

Contributing towards a better, brighter, happier tomorrow


When donating you will be asked which cause you wish to donate to. You may also include a short message should you wish for your donation to be used in a very specific way, we will do our best to honour all specific requests where practicable.

Should you wish to spread your donation between the causes currently most in need of donations simply leave the cause selection blank. Thank you for contributing towards a better, brighter, happier tomorrow.

Al-Sahawat Times

Al-Sahawat Times is currently accepting donations to assist us in ensuring that our news remains free and independent. To select this option please select “Al-Sahawat Times News”


Al-Said Group contributes to educational technologies, resources and school building projects around the world.

To select this option please select “Second Chance Program” on the list, then type “Education” into the message box.

Help the Homeless

The Second Chance Program by Al-Said Group’s Al-Said Foundation started in London, UK but now operates globally. The aim of the SCP is to provide a second chance at life for those in need. The homeless, hungry, those surfing with mental illness, the stigmatised etc.

The SCP attempts to assist in providing short term relief such as warm food and clothing whilst assisting in long term assistance including education, healthcare, housing and employment. Bringing people back into the folds of being an active and contributing member of society.

The SCP does not own it’s own facilities and relies on donations to send recipients into education, healthcare and housing.

Available in ALL countries, to specify a country please use the send a message feature on the donation form. To select this option please select “Second Change Program” on the list, then type “Homeless” into the message box.


All of Al-Sahawat Times’ charitable causes are eligible to count towards your Zakat payment.

Should you wish to specifically have your donation registered as a Zakat payment please select “ZAKAT” on the list. You may select any cause or leave the message selection blank to split your Zakat between all causes.

Build a Mosque

Al-Said Group is currently assisting in the construction of masjids around the world. What better barakat than to contribute to the building of a house of Allah (swt) even the smallest donation will bring ease to all insha’Allah. Please specify if you have a particular country or masjid construction project you prefer your contribution to go towards. Non specified donations are split equally between as many mosque building projects as possible so that you contribute to building as many masjids as possible.

To select this option please select “Build a Mosque” on the list.

Help a Refugee

Refugees have for several years now been amassing on the edges of Europe, North Africa and the Balkans. Held in squalid conditions. Refugees flee a world of pain, hardship, war and torment to be held in detention centres and slums. Those who do make it into the EU often struggle to find work, training or education.

Working with a network of organisations we aim to provide not just on site essentials such as toys for children, medical supplies, food, clothes and hygiene supplies. We also aim to provide education, language courses and job training. This assistance gives a fresh start and a fighting chance to join main stream society in Europe. Not only benefiting the refugees but also the local communities they join and contribute towards for many years.

To select this option please select “Second Chance Program” on the list, then enter “Refugees” in the message box.


Working with individuals and organisations around the world we contribute towards research into the cures, preventions, treatments, devices and surgical techniques to make tomorrow a healthier, happier place that is that little bit less scary.

Where possible we also provide resources and materials such as PPE and walking aids to medical centres free of charge.

To specify a particular condition, procedure or device you wish to donate to please use the send a message section on the donate form. Eg. Cancer Research, Heart Disease, Mental Health Treatments, PPE, walking aids etc.

To select this option please select “Second Chance Program” on the list, then enter “Medical” in the message box.

Freedom of the Press

These donations are used to support independent news outlets and freelance journalists as well as causes to protect the legal framework that affords free press globally.

To select this option please select “Al-Sahawat Times News” on the list, then enter “Freedom of Press” in the message box.

All donations are sent directly to the relevant causes on a periodic basis. Paypal may charge a small handling fee which is outside of our control. To mitigate this we send our donations to the relevant causes on a periodic basis so as to minimise handling and processing fees. 

Thank you for you kindness and generosity.


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