
Qatar Crisis | Blockade deepens

By Zakiya Afzani  Qatar Crisis |Blockade deepens Restrictions on Qatar will continue after the nation rejected the ultimatum made by the international community,  Saudi Arabia told Al-Sahawat Times in Cairo, Egypt. The foreign ministers of four Arab countries, meeting in Cairo, said they regretted Qatar’s “negative” response to their list…

اعلان عام | وإعادة تأهيل المخدرات والكحول | سلطنة عمان

By Saila Safwana  اعلان عام | سلطنة عمان    خالي من المخدرات عمان يستخدم ناركونن إعادة التأهيل، التكنولوجيا المؤكدة أن يحصل على هذه المشكلة من مصدرها ويوفر طريقا للنجاح على المدى الطويل. منذ ما يقرب من خمسون عاماً، وقد أنقذ ناركونن أولئك الذين كانوا يعتقدون بأنهم خسروا أمام تعاطي المخدرات إلى الأبد. أسبوع…

Public Information Announcement | Narconon Oman | Drug and Alcohol rehabilitation services

By Saila Safwana  Public Information Announcement Drug Free, For Good Narconon uses proven rehabilitation technology that gets to the problem at its source—and provides a path for long-term success. For nearly 50 years, Narconon has saved those who were thought lost to substance abuse forever.   Week by week. Year…

UK SAS on trial for murder of unarmed civilians and war crimes

By Saila Safwana   UK SAS on trial for war crimes in Afghanistan UK Special Air Services (SAS) are alleged to have murdered unarmed Afghan civilians, including women and children in cold blood, before covering up the details of their alleged war crimes.   The shocking claims emerged in Operation Northmoor,…