
Narconon | Natural Rehabilitation saving lives in UK, UAE and Oman

By Saila Safwana Narconon, Saving lives across the UK, UAE and Oman Al-Sahawat Times has been following Narconon throughout 2017, a UK based non-for-profit, ground breaking drug and alcohol rehabilitation program that is saving lives across the UK, UAE and Oman. Introducing the chemical free, drug free rehabilitation program open…

المملكة المتحدة وَ الإمارات العربية المتحدة الانضمام إلى القوات. لخلق ثورة في إعادة التأهيل.

By Saila Safwana المملكة المتحدة وَ الإمارات العربية المتحدة الانضمام إلى القوات. لخلق ثورة في إعادة التأهيل. ناركونُن ناركونُن الصحوة وقد اتبعتناركونُن إلى٢٠١٧ إعادة التأهيل غير ربحية من المملكة المتحدة فيالإمارات العربية المتحدة ينمو بسرعة. برنامج ناركونن هو أسلوب دقيق خطوة بخطوة يناسب جميع أنواع الإدمان ليساعد الأفراد على التخلص من آثاره العكسية على…

Mental Health sufferers in right to die claim

By Abdul Karim Mental Health sufferers take to the courts for right to die As more and more countries around the world contemplate legalising the right to die for sufferers of incurable physical conditions such as ‘locked in syndrome’. For many the right to a painless and dignified death is…

Woman, 24, accidentally cremated alive at funeral

By Hurayra Aktar A 24 year old woman had been accidentally cremated alive at a funeral Rachna Sisodia, 24-year-old woman from India who was cremated on a funeral pyre may have been alive when the cremation took place, according to local reports. Student Sisodia had been declared dead at Sharda hospital in…

A new era in orthopaedic surgery | Episeal surgical technique

By Dr. Shamsaldin Qais Sulayman Al-Said First published: 12th November 2015 | Paper used by: Cambridge University and North Arizona University.  The surgical technique set to revolutionise knee surgery A very exciting technology equally steeped in a medical and technological revolution has changed the way we are about to think of…