
Turkey calls for international sanctions against The Netherlands

By Mustafa Kemal Culibrk  Turkey’s President Erdogan has called for international sanctions against The Netherlands Diplomatic tensions between Turkey and The Netherlands reached boiling point this week as Erdogan accused countries in the West of “Islamophobia” and demanded international organisations impose sanctions on the Netherlands following The Netherland’s decision to block…

UK | George Galloway to re-enter parliament

By Sharafat Al-Basra  Beloved ‘GG’ is considering his return to parliament George Galloway is said to be preparing for a parliamentary comeback in the highly contested Gorton byelection.   The former Labour MP and current Respect Party politician says that he is “considering standing”  with signs that he has been…

Hackers trick children into burning their families alive

By Jabril Abdulaziz   Hackers target children in sick mind game to burn people alive A truly terrifying hack targeting a well known children’s cartoon has gone viral on social media.   The hack urges children to secretly turn on the gas rings on their kitchen hobs, promising that they’ll become…

Amnesty accuses Saudi Arabia of using illegal weapons in Yemen

By Suliman Karim Hasan bin Safet bin Aladdin Ćulibrk’  Amnesty  International have accused Saudi Arabia of using banned bombs in Yemen The Saudi-led Arab coalition fighting anti-government rebels in Yemen stands accused of using banned cluster munition in raids on civilian areas, Amnesty International alledged today.   The Saudi-led coalition…

Claims of Secret meetings between Tony Blair and Donald Trump concerning his o the Middle-East

By Aisha Butt Claims that Blair may become a White House advisor to Trump supported by secret meetings Tony Blair’s spokesman has refused to be drawn in on claims that the former prime minister is actively seeking to become US President Donald Trump’s Middle East envoy. The refusal to confirm…