
The young racists trying to ‘cleanse Europe’

By Zakiya Afzani The young racists trying to ‘cleanse Europe’ Generation Identity is what they call themselves. Made up of mainly 20-something tech-savvy members, the “Identitarian” movement has been described as the hipster right. Fiercely anti-immigration, anti-Humanitarian-aid and anti-Muslim, its aim is to stop migration to Europe. With headquarters in Austria…

UK Election 2017 | Massive fraud uncovered

By Zakiya Afzani  Election Fraud UK 2017 Many students boasted on social media of having voted twice in last month’s UK general election, an MP has claimed. Conservative Sir Henry Bellingham said there was “clear evidence” of students saying they voted at their home and university addresses. “Surely this is…

UK SAS on trial for murder of unarmed civilians and war crimes

By Saila Safwana   UK SAS on trial for war crimes in Afghanistan UK Special Air Services (SAS) are alleged to have murdered unarmed Afghan civilians, including women and children in cold blood, before covering up the details of their alleged war crimes.   The shocking claims emerged in Operation Northmoor,…

Dramatic Paris Terror Attack fails | Paris Mosque Attack

By Rashid Ahmad  Dramatic Paris Mosque Attack fails |Paris Terror Attack Talking to Al-Sahawat Times French police say they have arrested a man who tried to drive a car into a crowd outside a mosque in the Paris suburb of Créteil on Thursday evening (June 29).   The driver apparently failed to…