Al-Said Central Bank

البنك المركزي السعيدي


Al-Said Central Bank

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Al-Said Central Bank

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Exchange amount:


Today’s Central Bank Exchange Rate:

Al-Said Dinar (Д DIN)

US Dollar ($ USD)

SELL (Deposit) | USD:DIN 0.25 | DIN:USD 4.00

BUY (Withdraw) | USD:DIN 0.20 | DIN:USD 5.00

Minimum Account Balance:

10.00 (Д DIN)

Interest on savings:

On balances over 1’000’000 (Д DIN) annual interest is currently paid at: 0.1%

Account Charges:

5.00 (Д DIN) / Month

Exchange Rate History:

JAN 2017USD:DIN 1.50 | DIN:USD 0.67USD:DIN 1.00 | DIN:USD 1.00
FEB 2017USD:DIN 1.50 | DIN:USD 0.67USD:DIN 1.00 | DIN:USD 1.00
MAR 2017USD:DIN 1.50 | DIN:USD 0.67USD:DIN 1.00 | DIN:USD 1.00
APRIL 2017USD:DIN 1.80 | DIN:USD 0.56USD:DIN 1.10 | DIN:USD 0.91
MAY 2017USD:DIN 1.85 | DIN:USD 0.54USD:DIN 1.15 | DIN:USD 0.87
JUN 2017USD:DIN 0.07 | DIN:USD 14.29USD:DIN 0.02 | DIN:USD 50.00
JUL 2017USD:DIN 0.072 | DIN:USD 13.89USD:DIN 0.03 | DIN:USD 33.33
AUG 2017USD:DIN 0.074 | DIN:USD 13.51USD:DIN 0.035 | DIN:USD 28.57
SEP 2017USD:DIN 0.076 | DIN:USD 13.16USD:DIN 0.036 | DIN:USD 27.78
OCT 2017USD:DIN 0.077 | DIN:USD 12.99USD:DIN 0.037 | DIN:USD 27.03
NOV 2017USD:DIN 0.078 | DIN:USD 12.82USD:DIN 0.038 | DIN:USD 26.32
DEC 2017USD:DIN 0.078 | DIN:USD 12.82USD:DIN 0.038 | DIN:USD 26.32
JAN 2018USD:DIN 0.079 | DIN:USD 12.66USD:DIN 0.039 | DIN:USD 25.64
FEB 2018USD:DIN 0.079 | DIN:USD 12.66USD:DIN 0.039 | DIN:USD 25.64
MAR 2018USD:DIN 0.079 | DIN:USD 12.66USD:DIN 0.039 | DIN:USD 25.64
APRIL 2018USD:DIN 0.095 | DIN:USD 10.53USD:DIN 0.055 | DIN:USD 18.18
MAY 2018USD:DIN 0.095 | DIN:USD 10.53USD:DIN 0.055 | DIN:USD 18.18
JUN 2018USD:DIN 0.095 | DIN:USD 10.53USD:DIN 0.055 | DIN:USD 18.18
JUL 2018USD:DIN 0.10 | DIN:USD 10.00USD:DIN 0.06 | DIN:USD 16.67
AUG 2018USD:DIN 0.10 | DIN:USD 10.00USD:DIN 0.06 | DIN:USD 16.67
SEP 2018USD:DIN 0.10 | DIN:USD 10.00USD:DIN 0.06 | DIN:USD 16.67
OCT 2018USD:DIN 0.13 | DIN:USD 7.69USD:DIN 0.09 | DIN:USD 11.11
NOV 2018USD:DIN 0.13 | DIN:USD 7.69USD:DIN 0.09 | DIN:USD 11.11
DEC 2018USD:DIN 0.13 | DIN:USD 7.69USD:DIN 0.09 | DIN:USD 11.11
JAN 2019USD:DIN 0.14 | DIN:USD 7.14USD:DIN 0.10 | DIN:USD 10.00
FEB 2019USD:DIN 0.14 | DIN:USD 7.14USD:DIN 0.10 | DIN:USD 10.00
MAR 2019USD:DIN 0.14 | DIN:USD 7.14USD:DIN 0.10 | DIN:USD 10.00
APRIL 2019USD:DIN 0.14 | DIN:USD 7.14USD:DIN 0.10 | DIN:USD 10.00
MAY 2019USD:DIN 0.20 | DIN:USD 5.00USD:DIN 0.1428 | DIN:USD 7.0028
JUN 2019USD:DIN 0.20 | DIN:USD 5.00USD:DIN 0.1538 | DIN:USD 6.5019
JUL 2019USD:DIN 0.20 | DIN:USD 5.00USD:DIN 0.16 | DIN:USD 6.25
AUG 2019USD:DIN 0.25 | DIN:USD 4.00USD:DIN 0.20 | DIN:USD 5.00
SEP 2019USD:DIN 0.25 | DIN:USD 4.00USD:DIN 0.20 | DIN:USD 5.00
OCT 2019USD:DIN 0.25 | DIN:USD 4.00USD:DIN 0.20 | DIN:USD 5.00
NOV 2019USD:DIN 0.25 | DIN:USD 4.00USD:DIN 0.20 | DIN:USD 5.00
DEC 2019USD:DIN 0.25 | DIN:USD 4.00USD:DIN 0.20 | DIN:USD 5.00
JAN 202USD:DIN 0.25 | DIN:USD 4.00USD:DIN 0.20 | DIN:USD 5.00
FEB 2020USD:DIN 0.25 | DIN:USD 4.00USD:DIN 0.20 | DIN:USD 5.00
MAR 2020USD:DIN 0.25 | DIN:USD 4.00USD:DIN 0.20 | DIN:USD 5.00
MAR 2023USD:DIN 0.25 | DIN:USD 4.00USD:DIN 0.20 | DIN:USD 5.00
APRIL 2023USD:DIN 0.25 | DIN:USD 4.00USD:DIN 0.20 | DIN:USD 5.00

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Request a Withdrawal

Minimum withdrawal: 5 DIN

Withdrawal Limits: Based on your recent activity your account may have daily withdrawal limits in place.

Withdrawal Speed: Withdrawals are typically processed within 24 hours, the receiving bank may take additional time.

Withdrawal Charges: Al-Said Bank does not charge for withdrawals, receiving banks may charge for receiving and converting a foreign currency.

How do I exchange Al-Said Dinar in to another currency?

Use the above tools to convert currencies into DIN.

To convert DIN into other currencies you can:

  1. Send DIN to the account exchanging your money, and they can send you the other currencies to the account of your choice.
  2. Request an exchange from the Al-Said Central Bank. To request a central bank exchange please send your request to requests are typically processed within 2 hours, but may take up to 48 hours in some circumstances.

Is the Al-Said Dinar a Cryptocurrency?

In short, yes. (But safer and more stable than most.)

The Al-Said Dinar is a closed CryptoToken. This means that the DIN retains the anonymous elements and benefits of Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Etherium without the volatility.


The DIN is regulated by the Al-Said Central Bank, and as such, the DIN’s interest rates and exchange rates are much more stable that other Cryptocurrencies which are completely decentralised.


However, the DIN remains decentralised to a large extent. Accounts and transactions are logged in a blockchain ledger, as with Bitcoin, but all ledgers are totally anonymous. The Al-Said Central Bank is not government controlled and as with all Cryptocurrencies and CryptoTokens, does not fall under the regulations of a financial instrument. The DIN is instead a symbolic representation of a contract to provide remuneration for a service or goods.


That is if ‘Person A’ transfers you 100 DIN in exchange for goods, then they are contracted to pay you 100 DIN worth of your local currency for those goods. It is a method of removing the inaccuracies of exchange rates when dealing with multi-currency transactions. The DIN represents any and all currencies equally and exchange rates can be quoted to and from any currency.


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