OMAN | Lockdown to end in Muscat

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Oman to end lockdown in Muscat

Middle-East | GCC | OMAN to end lockdown in Muscat 

Omanā€™s Supreme Committee for COVID19 announced today that lockdown will end in the whole of the capital city, Muscat as well as the entire Muscat Governorate on Friday.

Additionally a special messure that allowed government employees not to work in their offices will conclude 31 May 2020, at which point at least 50% of workers must return to work in person, the committee said.

Muscat, Mutrah and surrounding districts have been in lockdown since April 2020 to stem the spread of the COVID19 pandemic. The measures included business closures and bans on gatherings for Ramadan or Eid al Ftr.

Mutrah, home to the infamous ancient Mutrah Souk, believed to be the oldest market place still in operation in the world, in the eastern limits of Muscat, will remain in ā€œhealth isolation,ā€ according to another announcement by the committee. The Souk consists of tightly packed ā€œwaysā€ and stalls which attract locals, commuters and tourists alike in large numbers.

As of today, Oman has officially registered 8ā€™373 confirmed infections with 255 new cases reported today. It is predicted that by the weekend Oman will have reached the 10 thousand mile stone for infections and 40 deaths.

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About the Author

Esteban Gaviria
Periodista de Los Tiempos Al-Sahawat en Barcelona, EspaƱa. Journalist for Al-Sahawat Times in Barcelona, Spain. Giornalista per Al-Sahawat Times in Barcelona, Spagna.