Drug use in The Gulf, an unspoken taboo

  • By Evan Perkins
  • Editor: Yasmin Sadiq

The hidden taboo of drug use in the GCC

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As modern life increases in pace, difficulties and stress, many cultures across the globe are currently battling increasing drug problems among youth.  The youth are the future leaders of any society, the ramifications of a drug-addicted generation are immediately evident.

The US and UK struggle with increasing drug use amongst youth age 18 – 26, with London claiming the crown of Cocaine Capitol of Europe.

The issue of narcotic use to escape social issues is not confined to Western nations however, many conservative cultures suffer epidemics in silence.

In the GCC, Crystal Meth and prescription pill abuse has long been rising among the youth, those future leaders who will one day hold office, lead society, steer the course of history and form the corner stones of society and culture.

With a 280 percent increase of Crystal Meth and Captagon smuggling into the UAE between 2015 and 2016 and seizures of these illicit drugs continuing in 2017 its evident at a glance the risk this poses to young Emiraties. Having interviewed several youth myself, its clear the problem is widespread, far beyond what many may perceive.

An all natural program addressing drug and alcohol rehabilitation is needed. The Narconon program fills this need.  Addressing drug and alcohol addiction as a condition with an all natural regimen of nutrition, exercise, vitamins and minerals, sauna therapy, counselling and life skills courses.

The program is secular and offered in a private and discrete, distraction-free setting.

Narconon understands the social and cultural stigmas and difficulties in stepping towards the right path, the healthier path for yourself and your family. This is why Narconon offers total discretion at all times.

Narconon is non-religious, focused on an all natural journey to a happier, healthier, more productive life.

Narconon United Kingdom is the country’s premier Narconon centre, designed to deliver Narconon’s unique technology.

Narconon offers a rural, aesthetic and extremely private healing environment for clients from UK & EU and the GCC (UAE, Oman, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Qatar).

Drugs in the UAE

The UAE is a drug transshipment country for traffickers due to its proximity to Southwest Asian drug producing nations. Drug trafficking is a major form of crime in the UAE and the nation has a zero tolerance policy towards illegal drug use. Possession of the smallest amount of illegal drugs is punishable by a minimum of four years’ imprisonment.

Minister of Interior for the UAE, said that over the last three years and average of 6.1 out of every million people in the UAE died from abusing drugs. That was up from 4.5 out of every million in 2013, and rising steadily each year by as much as 25% per year. The figures are low compared to countries such as Scotland with a dismal 149.1 per million, however; the UAE has one of the fasting growing user and trafficking rates. The UAE also has a very severe zero tolerance legal stance on drug use, supply and possession. All together, it is a cultural taboo that is not spoken of, but destroys many families and communities every year.



CALL +44 1435 512460 in confidence and ask about our private residential rehab.

Confidential Whatsapp; +44(0) 7466 330075

Email: Evan@narconon.org

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