Queen of England’s Husband told the Prime Minister to “F*** off!

WINDSOR, UNITED KINGDOM - MAY 16: (EMBARGOED FOR PUBLICATION IN UK NEWSPAPERS UNTIL 48 HOURS AFTER CREATE DATE AND TIME) HRH Prince Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh pulls a face whilst carriage driving in the Laurent Perrier meet of the British Driving Society during day 5 of the Royal Windsor Horse Show on May 16, 2010 in Windsor, England. (Photo by Indigo/Getty Images)
  • By Zakiya Afzani

Prince Philip, husband to the Queen of England, tells PM to “F*** off!”

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The Duke of Edinburgh and husband to the Queen of England, Prince Philip, has reportedly told Tony Blair and his communications team to “f*** off!” during a row over his daughter-in-law, Princess Diana’s funeral.


An “anguished” Prince Philip is said to have grown furious after it was suggested Prince William and Prince Harry should walk behind their mother’s coffin “to show the Royals cared”.


The angry exchange reportedly happened during a conference call between Balmoral and Buckingham Palace, where Alastair Campbell, Tony Blair and other members of the former Prime Minister’s team were meeting Royal aides.

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The Queen, who did not take part in the call, is said to have later made it clear she supported her husband’s emotional intervention.


Other ideas floated by Blair and his team during the conversation included erecting a giant screen in a Royal park and inviting Nelson Mandela and other showbiz stars.


The call was witnessed by Anji Hunter, Blair’s influential Director of Government Relations, who has spoken of it in 7 Days, a new BBC film about Diana’s funeral.


“I can remember – it sends a tingle up my back,” she told a televised documentary crew earlier this year.


“We were all talking about how William and Harry should be involved and suddenly came Prince Philip’s voice. We hadn’t heard from him before, but he was really anguished.”


Ms Hunter’s husband, Sky TV political commentator Adam Boulton, provided a vivid account of the phonecall in his book about Blair’s government, Tony’s Ten Years.


He wrote: “The Queen relished the moment when Philip bellowed over the speakerphone from Balmoral:


“F*** off. We are talking about two boys who have just lost their mother.”


Asked about the Prince’s ouburst this week, Boulton told the Press:


“He was trying to remind everyone that human feelings were involved. No. 10 were trying to help the Royals present things in the best way, but may have seemed insensitive. The princes were uneasy about walking behind the coffin, but No 10’s advice that the Royals had to be seen mourning in public was right.”


The Prince’s anger subsided and he ultimately helped to persuade William, who had wanted to grieve in private, to walk with him behind Diana’s coffin alongside Harry and the Earl of Spencer.


He is said to have asked William: “If I walk, will you walk with me?”

Although the royal family of the UK is legislated to be separate from the government and bares purely a symbolic purpose, not meant to get involved in day to daub political affairs. Bother Prince Philip and son, Prince Charles have been reported numerous times by British media to have tried or succeeded in influencing Downingstreet at key times.

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