Grenfell fire death toll confusion 350 or 81

  • By Zakiya Afzani

 Grenfell fire official death figures rise to 350 or is 81

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There seems to be a lot of confusion and anger among Londoners over the conflicting police reports over the number of dead in the Grenfell tower fire.

London metropolitan police have confirmed that all of the Grenfell survivors have now been accounted for.

The Met confirmed that 255 Grenfell Tower residents survived the devastating fire last month.

Police say investigations had led them to conclude 619 people lived in the west London tower but they have now lowered that number to 350 saying that even taking into account unregistered residents and subletters the tower mainly held single occupancy apartments, an assertion many Londoners say is unrealistic. The met added that 14 were not there when the building went up in flames on 14 June.

Authorities believe 255 people escaped and 350 now revised down to 81 are still estimated to have died or are missing.

The intense heat of the blaze means that many remains will not be identifiable. The Met say they have performed 55 postmortems to date.

Protesters in London have accused the police of covering up the real number of dead with most accepting the first reports that the tower block housed 619 residents.

The conservative party called for calm as they said it may take years for the final report to be released.

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