Turkey retaliates hard over Dutch breach of international laws

  • By Yashar Baghdadi Al-Quraish

 Turkey moves up its gears in retaliation over The Netherlands’ breach of international laws

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Turkey will retaliate harshly against the Netherlands following its actions against a Turkish female minister in the Dutch city of Rotterdam, Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said on Sunday.
Speaking at a rally in western Yalova, Yildirim said: “The attitude of the Netherlands yesterday [Saturday] towards Turkish family Minister Fatma Betul Sayan Kaya is unacceptable.”
The premier said the Netherlands have violated diplomatic principles, thwarted the freedom of movement of a serving Turkish minister, forcing her to leave the country.

“Dictatorial practices of those icing is democracy lessons”

“Everyone should know that Turkey will retaliate in the heaviest possible way,” Yildirim said.
Yildirim added that Turkey will do everything necessary to ensure that such events against Turkish citizens and the country do not occur again.
He noted that whilst known Kurdish terrorist organizations like The Fetullah Terrorist Organization and the PKK who are responsible for mass murder in multiple countries as well as attempted coups to overthrow governments in Turkey, Syria, Iraq and roam freely in Europe, legally recognised deomocratic Turkish ministers were not being given such permissions.
“These days, we see the dictatorial practices of those who give us democracy lessons.” Yildirim said

Yildirim added that by preventing Turkish ministers from meeting their expat community, Europe was backing the No campaign in the upcoming referendum in April in Turkey.
Last week, Turkish ministers were barred from holding public rallies in two German cities ahead of the referendum on the 16th April 2017 in Turkey.
On Saturday, the Dutch government first canceled the Turkish foreign minister’s flight permit to the Netherlands and then blocked a convoy carrying Turkey’s family minister from entering the official Turkish consulate in Rotterdam.
The ministers were also due to meet Turkish residents ahead of the April eferendum on Turkish constitutional reforms, which would see Tirkey restructure it’s politics to become more closely inline with the systems used in Germany and the USA.

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