- By Tim Derbyshire
The lawyer who suspiciously disappeared after prosecuting the UK has been found almost 2 years later
Culibrk, a determined young lawyer from London who suspiciously disappeared in April 2011 has been found.
Stab, slash & gunshot wounds along with broken bones and internal bleeding on the brain
Culibrk was found in an intensive care unit hundreds of miles from home.
The lawyer’s family and friends had not seen Culibrk since spring 2011 when he disappeared under suspicious circumstances, neighbours reporting hearing his screams before his penthouse appartment was ransacked.
Both the governments of Bosna i Hercegovina and Serbia intervened in the safe retrieval of Culibrk giving the UK 17 days to discharge Culibrk in to his family’s care.
Culibrk was greeted upon discharge by delegates from the European Commission of Human Rights, International Courts and anti-corruption observers.
The lawyer vowed to return to prosecuting the UK again immediately.
Upon medical inspection Culibrk was found to have around 170 separate injuries ranging from broken bones to stab and slash wounds across his back, throat and face. MRI scans revealed internal injuries including bleeding on the brain.
Culibrk refrained from issuing a press statement only saying that his experiences would be published in a book soon enough and he would take the UK back through the courts very soon.
Those close to Culibrk expressed deep concern for his safety following his vow to take the UK back to the international courts.
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